Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Halloween at Home...

Apple bobbing, prize winning pumpkins, eyeballs, witches fingers and fireworks. Happy Halloween y'all.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Ho's with Hose(s)

Stumbled across this on the dieline. Garden Glory hosepipes designed by Mockup Advertising. 'mazin. 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Coke Zero get it right, 007 style. The 70 second challenge.

Great example of viral, well kind of viral, love it when brands go the extra mile. And it's all beatboxy. Love it. 

Julio Bashmore - Au Seve - new favourite

Yeah I'm fickle with music. This is my new favourite heard it on the wonderous new breakfast show this morning, nothing like turning your speakers up and your windows down in late October at 8.45 am. #TeamGrimmy 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Shepard Fairey Exhibition - Brick Lane

Stumbled across this yesterday, was a nice surprise! Some amazing prints, tiny bit out of my price range though...

Love & Liquor - Kilburn High Road

Great club, great music, great sign AND they had a old school photo booth. Winner winner.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

On repeat: Disclosure - Latch

Think I must have played this about 10 times this afternoon. Still not old. Still want to listen to it again. 

Disclosure - Latch feat. Sam Smith (Official Video) from Dan Stafford-Clark on Vimeo.

Diet Coke Break

Beaut. Jean Paul Gautier is the new Creative Director of Diet Coke.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #13 Silver Sun Pickups - Melatonin

Song #02

Silversun Pickups - Melatonin

WHEN: 2007

WHERE: Driving from Pittville Campus back home

DOING: All of us piled into Duncan's death trap of a car, him driving too fast, this playing way too loudly, and the windows steamed up so no one could see where we were going, especially Duncan. Who was driving. I'm sure one of us would have been holding his iMac for him too, sorry I mean laptop, no I mean iMac. 

WHO: Duncan Kelly, Kim Polmeer, James Brown and Me (the ones who used to bother going into uni, you know, to do work and that) 

Saturday, 13 October 2012

If my life had a sound track - Song #12 The Fugees - Ready or Not (Drum'n'Bass remix)

Song #12

The Fugees - Ready or Not (DJ Zinc Remix)

WHEN: 2007/2008, 2nd year of uni, Tuesday nights

WHERE: 13, in the basement downstairs, 

DOING: Always reminds me of dancing to this when the music got good just before you were ready to go home, this comes on, turn around, head back to the dance floor.

WHO: Always reminds me of Em Dixon - I just remember you liking it as much as me! 

Friday, 12 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #11 Kings of Leonn - Sex on Fire

Probably everyone's uni song, but this just sticks out too vividly in my head not to include it.... I pretty much can't stand listening to this song anymore, one day I am sure I will love it again. 

Song #11

Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire

WHEN: 2008, 3rd year of uni

WHERE: Dakota Nightclub

DOING: All of us dancing in a circle, the first time we had heard it in a club after playing it on repeat in the 3rd year room, we all went crazy, formed the obligatory dance circle, with Brownie then moaning about why we always dance in a circle... 

WHO: The usual suspects... 

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #10 - Prince - Raspberry Beret

Song #10

Prince - Raspberry Beret 

WHEN: On the bus to Wolverhampton one Saturday Night

WHERE: I'm gonna punt a guess and say the 260 Bus? 

DOING: Being giggly and singing to Rachel Stanton, it stuck ever since. 

WHO: Rachel Stanton... she walked in through the out door. 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #09 - Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love

Song #09

Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love

WHEN: Childhood years, Sunday mornings

WHERE: At home

DOING: My mom would play her music on the player under the stairs while cleaning early on a Sunday morning. Very loudly. This was one of my favourites. Even had a Robert Palmer tshirt she cleaned in :) 

WHO: The Wheelers 

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #08 - Cut Chemist - (My First) Big Break

Song #08

Cut Chemist - (My First) Big Break

WHEN: 2007 - 2009 (The whole of Uni)

WHERE: Pittville SU

DOING: Played on the jukebox. All the time. Guaranteed crowd pleaser. 

WHO: The best ones. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #07 - House of Pain - Jump Around

Song #07

House of Pain - Jump Around

WHEN: Prom Night from King Edward VI College

WHERE: Copthorne Hotel, Dudley 

DOING: Racing to the dance floor, shoes in hand, after hearing this song and needing to dance to it aswell and knowing and singing every. single. word. 

WHO: Group of friends from college - you know who you are. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #06 - The Black Eyed Peas - Pump It

Song #06

The Black Eyed Peas - Pump It 

WHEN: Year 13 

WHERE: Driving to college

DOING: This album was in our CD player that me and my twinny bro shared in our car - a bright orange Corsa called Nemo, God Rest His Soul. Every time you started up the car this was the first track on the CD so came on automatically. Every time. Especially loud if Joe had been driving before me, scaring the shit out of me when I started up the igniton. 

WHO: Me and my twinny Joe Wheeler.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #05 - Gramaphonedzie - Why Don't You

Song #05

Gramaphonedzie - Why Don't You

WHEN: 2010, May 

WHERE: Lake Garda, Ital, more specifically The Riva Bar 

DOING: Dancing in the only club in town, being the only blondes in town (well me and Jen anyways) spotting George Clooney lookalikes, drinking Mojitos and showing the Italians how to really dance. 

WHO: Me, Jen Manning, Kelly Brown 

One for the type geeks... 40 Free Fonts from Creativbloq

Some good, some not so good, but hey! they are free! 

Click here to be taken to Creativbloq where they have collected them all. 

Some of my favourites are below... 

Saturday, 6 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack #04 - Young Money - Bedrock (I didn't say that I would be proud of them all!)

I didn't say all these songs would be great, just that they remind me of happy times... 

Song #04

Young Money - Bedrock

WHEN: Summer 2010

WHERE: Turkey, on holiday

DOING: Sat round the pool of our villa, me and Rachel singing this playing from her ipod or was it Mr Pig? "ME ON MY LOW SCRUNCH!"

WHO: Me, Rachel Stanton, Joe Wheeler, Warren Hurter

Friday, 5 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #03 Missy Elliott - Gossip Folks

Song #02

Missy Elliott - Gossip Folks

WHEN: 2007, 1st year of Uni

WHERE: Kims room, Spencer Hall of Residence, Pittville Campus

DOING: Pre-drinking in Kims room, mostly listening to Missy Elliott's album on Kim's Xbox, before we went and got the uni bus in to town of a night, most nights. 

WHO: Team Spencer

Thursday, 4 October 2012

One for the Benefit lovers...

Buy InStyle magazine they have got mini samples of Benefit products... Not going to lie probably gonna buy all 3!

Tattoo love...

If my life had a soundtrack - Song #02 Justin Timberlake - Sexyback

Song #02

Justin Timberlake - Sexy Back

WHEN: Summer inbetween Year 12 and Year 13

WHERE: Driving to Newquay, Wales

DOING: Waiting for this to come on the radio allllll the way down to Newquay in the car. I imagine it would have been a car of some kind

WHO: Me, Rachel Stanton, Joe Wheeler, Laura Smith, Kiri Yeats, Daniel Hall, James McAllister

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

If my life had a soundtrack....Song #01...

Love it how songs can take you back to a moment and you can picture exactly where you were, exactly what you were doing and exactly who you were with. 

Gonna keep this up until I run out or get bored, whatever comes first. 

Song #01

Paramore - Misery Business

WHEN: 2008, Uni, Second Year

WHERE: 21 Marle Hill Parade, Tom's Room

DOING: Playing Rock Band, Me and Kim singing out hearts out, the boys on the instruments :) pre-drinks before a night out in Cheltenham. 

WHO: Uni friends
